
It is now 2am in Ukraine.

Ukrainian troops retook the entire Kyiv region, and were met with shocking devastation upon their return into the area: bodies in the streets, evidence of execution-style killings of civilians, mass graves and slain children.

Among the dead were reportedly Olha Sukhenko, the head of the village Motyzhin, and her entire family, all of whom were taken by Russian troops on 25 March.
(死者の中にはOlha Sukhenkoもいると報じられた。彼女はMotyzhin村の長で、3月25日に家族ごと誘拐された)

Maksim Levin, a Ukrainian photographer whose worked appeared in reports from the BBC and Reuters, was also found dead near Kyiv. defence ministry said he had been shot twice by Russian soldiers.
(BBCとロイターで働いていたウクライナ人写真家のMaksim Levinもキエフ近郊で死体となって見つかった。国防省(英国)は彼がロシア兵に二度撃たれていたと述べた)

The United Kingdom has already come out to say authorities were working to collect evidence in the Kyiv region of Russian war crimes.

The Baltic states have halted all Russian oil imports, and are encouraging the rest of the European Union to follow suit.

Interfax Ukraine is reporting that Turkey is likely to be the place where Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy will meet for peace negotiations.
