A Ukrainian beauty blogger whom Russian officials accused of being a crisis actor when she was interviewed and photographed by The Associated Press in a bombed out Mariupol maternity hospital has emerged in new videos that are fueling fresh misinformation about the attack, AP reports.
Here is further reporting from AP:
In the new interview, conducted by Russian blogger Denis Seleznev, Marianna Vishegirskaya, says the hospital was not hit by an airstrike last month and that she told AP journalists she did not want to be filmed — assertions that are directly contradicted by AP reporting. It is not clear where Vishegirskaya is, or under what conditions the interview was filmed.
(ロシア人ブロガーのDenis Seleznevが行ったインタビューの中で、Marianna Vishegirskayaは病院は先月空爆されておらず、AP通信の記者には撮影しないように言ったと述べている。この主張はAP通信の報道と直に食い違っている。撮影時のVishegirskayaさんの所在や状態は不明である。)
Russian officials have repeatedly tried to cast doubt on the strike in Mariupol, a key military objective for Moscow, since images were seen around the world and shed light on Russia’s attacks on civilians in Ukraine.
In the new videos, Vishegirskaya says those huddled in the basement of the hospital after the attack believed the explosions were caused by “shelling,” not an airstrike, because “no one” heard sounds that would indicate that bombs were dropped from planes.
But eyewitness accounts and video from AP journalists in Mariupol lays out evidence of an airstrike, including the sound of an airplane before the blast, a crater outside the hospital that went at least two stories deep and interviews with a police officer and a soldier at the scene who both referred to the attack as an “airstrike.”
Vishegirskaya also says in the video that she repeatedly told AP she did not want to be filmed, but recordings of AP journalists’ interactions with her contradict this.
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