Human Rights Watchの報告見れば20歳のロシア兵も自発的にレイプしてるし40過ぎたロシア兵しかやってないなんてのはただの願望か印象操作やで
She said she was getting very cold in the unheated school and asked if she could get dressed, but the soldier told her she should only put on her top, not her pants or underwear.
“While I was putting on my clothes, the soldier told me that he was Russian, that his name was [name withheld] and that he was 20.
He said that I reminded him of a girl he went to school with.”
道徳マイナス★966 [🇷🇺vs🇺🇦★]
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2022/04/06(水) 12:28:43.71ID:KlTbWsBw0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています