[mssn65@jpg2t785][2022/4/27 20:21:19]
オデッサ沖にロシア軍揚陸艦隊出現。 https://twitter.com/KyleJGlen/status/1519262232030453761

[Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/jpg2t785/status/1519275495547842562 ]
[Kyle Glen@KyleJGlen][2022/4/27 19:28:37]
A number of ships have appeared on the horizon off the coast of Odessa. The voice speaking says they just appeared recently. This coupled with tensions in Transnistria/Moldova and missile strikes against Bridges near Odessa suggests Russia might try another offensive here.
[Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/KyleJGlen/status/1519262232030453761 ]
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)