Hello, I’m Dragonfly Pencil Sato. Was the earthquake again okay?
I think that there are many people who have been affected by this mail delivery.
I can not become a direct force,
I myself spent 8 hours on foot from Saitama with my home from Tokyo
I came home and felt the fear of the disaster though it was not as much as the actual Tohoku people.
Well, the other day it was a nice e – mail so it ‘s okay if you do not reply.
The company is okay. The shake was great, but as of now there is no big accident / injury contact.
It is actually an email I was planning to send to everyone at the end of the week.
I can only do this, but I will send you a resume and ES.
However, I will attach very stringent conditions.
That condition is only one point.
Those who wish to select documents will need to confirm the attached dedicated resume and entry sheet,
March 15 (Tue) postmark valid Please set the 2 pieces as a set, please mail to the following.
If you can make a reservation to the briefing immediately before, please bring your documents for the moment.
I will explain and order streets etc. at the venue.
If that instruction is difficult … I do not need to tell you that way.
Please think about yourself.
I was aware of everything I wanted to say, I was frustrated at all times.
Not all of them, I also see and hear the voices behind various hearts.
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2022/06/20(月) 10:36:47.24ID:Ba08lwu00■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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