Influencer Remi Bader turned away at Montauk ranch, called ‘fat bitch’
By Mara Siegler June 14, 2022 | 1:01pm
Influencer Remi Bader turned away at Montauk ranch, called ‘fat bitch’
Hold your horses!
Deep Hollow Ranch in Montauk is getting a whipping after turning away social media influencer Remi Bader for a trail ride. And if that weren’t rough enough, an employee at the ranch posted a TikTok video crassly calling curvaceous Bader “a fat bitch.”
Bader first posted a video to her popular TikTok account, which boasts 2 million followers, saying she was asked to leave because she weighs over 240 pounds, adding, “I’ve rode horses before and have never had this issue. Please advertise this on your signs for the future.”
Remi Bader was told she was too heavy to ride a horse and alleges she was laughed at.
In response, Broudy Keogh, who is seemingly the son of the ranch’s owner, posted his own since-deleted video, saying, “When you’re not a fat bitch, you can ride at Deep Hollow Ranch.”
The trail ride outing was part of an influencer trip planned by Jon Bon Jovi and his son Jesse Bongiovi’s rosé company, Hampton Water.
Bader has over 2 million followers on TikTok.
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