{{{masterpiece}}}, {{{1girl}}}, a illustrated princess on the center of a illuminated full page of antique collection sheet of multicolored jewels & gemstones, on parchment background, art print, with descriptions, [informative diagrams and notes], [math equations], academic art, official art, clean brush stroke, rich colored palette, edge-to-edge print, highly detailed, elaborate detailed, 32k, 16k, 8k, octane render, trending on esty, trending on artstation, trending on pixiv
{{{masterpiece}}}, {{{1girl}}}, an upper body portrait of princess on the center of a illuminated full page of antique collection sheet of jewels & gemstones, on parchment background, art print, with descriptions, [informative diagrams and notes], [math equations], academic art, official art, clean brush stroke, rich colored palette, edge-to-edge print, highly detailed, elaborate detailed, 32k, 16k, 8k, octane render, trending on esty, trending on artstation, trending on pixiv
{{{masterpiece}}}, {{{1girl}}}, a portrait of princess on the center of a illuminated full page of antique collection sheet of multicolored jewels & gemstones, on parchment background, art print, with descriptions, [informative diagrams and notes], [math equations], academic art, official art, clean brush stroke, rich colored palette, edge-to-edge print, highly detailed, elaborate detailed, 32k, 16k, 8k, octane render, trending on esty, trending on artstation, trending on pixiv
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2022/10/06(木) 09:46:38.56ID:DdE2uJs2a■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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