Is Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Studio Trigger's Best Anime to Date?
Studio Trigger is perhaps one of the best-known anime studios to date.
The studio has earned a powerhouse reputation through its energetic and vibrant animation and visual design.
Its shows are easily identifiable by these features, but also by their unique and exciting characters, stories and action.
With memorable hits like Kill la Kill and Little With Academia, their first feature film Promare and their work on Star Wars: Visions,
t's no wonder that Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has managed to elicit as much high praise, and perhaps even more.
トリガー制作のアニメ「サイバーパンクエッジランナーズ」 アメリカで社会現象化
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2022/10/06(木) 16:07:16.74ID:43ar3vVa0
2022/10/06(木) 16:08:43.23ID:xYrUHNDj0
2022/10/06(木) 16:09:15.20ID:ti8ObHNl0 NetflixでTop10に入ってないからそんなに人気でもない
2022/10/06(木) 16:11:25.32ID:tKrVqXMQp
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