IN OTHER SPORTS: Yes, more than college football is on TV. CBS’ late-afternoon national window for NFL games — it was almost entirely Chiefs at Bengals, with California and much of Nevada getting Chargers–Raiders — averaged 23.4 million viewers. The network’s early-afternoon window, which was four games led by Jets–Vikings, averaged 13.69 million viewers.
Fox had a single-header NFL Sunday, meaning viewers got a 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. game. It averaged a healthy 19.17 million viewers. The network said that was its best single-header window since December 2019 — although the metrics then wouldn’t have accounted for millions of out-of-home viewers that Nielsen began measuring in summer 2020.
NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” telecast of Colts-Cowboys averaged 18.13 million. The number increases to 19.3 million with Peacock streaming included. SNF remains the most-watched primet-ime program of the NFL season, and this year is averaging 20.4 million linear and digital viewers, NBC said.
In World Cup action, Fox’s broadcast of the U.S. men’s 3-1 loss to the Netherlands in the round of 16 match on Saturday morning averaged 13 million viewers. NBC-owned Telemundo Spanish-language linear and streaming coverage averaged 3.58 million, bringing the domestic audience average to 16.5 million.
That’s down from the last two USMNT knockout-round games — both extra-time losses — in the past two World Cups that the team made (it didn’t qualify in 2018). In 2014, a loss to Belgium on a late Tuesday afternoon averaged 18.1 million viewers on ESPN and Univision, while a 2010 loss to Ghana in the early afternoon on a Saturday averaged 17.9 million for ABC and Univision, per the Washington Post.
The USMNT’s next chance to generate a big World Cup home TV audience will come when the quadrennial tournament is staged in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in 2026. The team’s record viewership remains the combined 24.7 million in English/Spanish in 2014 for the U.S.-Portugal 2-2 draw. ESPN averaged 18.2 million viewers and Univision average 6.5 million.
The 2015 Women’s World Cup final, featuring the U.S. against Japan, remains the biggest English-language soccer audience at 25.4 million viewers on Fox.
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