The danger of Hayate's self-esteem,
I noticed it pretty early on.
Overall ability is high to some extent, and there is also adaptability.
She can make moderate efforts and is honest enough to listen to other people's opinions.
In addition, she has an innocent personality that is loved by those around her.
But all that inside.
Although high for the general public,
It's not enough to cross this industry with just one.
Above all, because of those abilities, she knows no setbacks.
Without the experience of overcoming hardships, "somehow I managed to do it"
Only the empty confidence was piling up.
That self-confidence that grew without any basis...
When she hit a real wall that you can't overcome with her inborn ability,
It will break down. I had a hunch.
So I prepared. I made supportive her friends, let them accumulate experience her, and prepared her to face themselves little by little.
Now... is the time.
デレマスの辻野あかりちゃんについて知っていること [転載禁止★]
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156それでも動く名無し (アウアウエー Sab2-XJRx)
2023/01/14(土) 00:15:26.18ID:JKpFKXPfa■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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