In house crickets, the content of total purines was 6.96 g/kg of dry matter in males and 6.01 g/kg of dry matter in females. In the cricket samples, the most abundant purines were hypoxanthine followed by xanthine. Interestingly, only low quantities of these substances were detected in desert locusts and discoid roaches. The sum of adenine and hypoxanthine in male and female cricket samples were 3.99 g/kg of dry matter and 3.19 g/kg of dry matter, respectively, which represented 55 % of total purines. The levels of uric acid in male and female crickets were 12.77 and 9.76 g/kg of dry matter, respectively (Fig. 1 and Table 3).
【朗報】Pasco、敷島製パン「他商品にコオロギパウダーが混入する可能性はないと言っている!!」 ★2
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