During a speech by Russian representative Olga Timofeeva, the Ukrainian delegation unfolded Ukrainian and UPA flags to condemn Russian aggression and its terrorist regime, member of the Ukrainian delegation, MP Oleksiy Movchan, wrote on Facebook on May 4.
In video of the incident, which began to circulate on social media on the evening of May 4, a Russian delegate is seen snatching the Ukrainian flag away, after which a fight breaks out between the Russian and Ukrainian. The Ukrainian delegate punches the Russian, and retrieves the flag.
Movchan posted a video in which he and MP Yevhen Pyvovarov are seen retrieving a Ukrainian flag from Russian State Duma Senator Alexei Kondratenko.
Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Marikovskyi himself posted a video in which he is seen retrieving a Ukrainian flag from a Russian delegate who had approached him and roughly snatched the flag away.
Read also: The Diplomacy of Victory - opinion
The 61st General Assembly of the BSEC PA is taking place in Ankara. Another member of the Ukrainian delegation, Vadym Ivchenko, said that Ukraine had included the issue of confirming the mandates of members of the Russian delegation on the BSEC PA agenda.
He said that Russians need to be completely excluded from international organizations and blacklisted.
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