
Ohtani is an alien.

Ohtani is a cheat code. We scored 5 on him but him stretching through 7 while almost hitting a cycle is crazy.

This was Ohtani game, just on another level tonight honestly.
(今日は野球の試合じゃなくて完全に "大谷の試合" だった、正直次元が違う選手だわ)

Hat off to Ohtani.

Ohtani is a machine and deserves the attention

We still hung five runs on him. Turns out it was Ohtani hitting that buried us.

Ohtani had one of his worst pitching nights, but unfortunately had one of his best offensive nights. Not a lot you can do when Ohtani does that.
(大谷が過去最悪レベルの登板をしたと思ったら過去最高レベルの打撃をお見舞いしてくるとはね... こんなことされたら勝つのは無理)

Well, if you wanted to see the absolute athletic phenom that is Shohei Ohtani do Shohei Ohtani things, you definitely got your money’s worth being in attendance at OPACY tonight