BREAKING: "Wagner Group's Deputy Commander Teklir Opposes Peace Agreement, Leads 800 Troops into Moscow"
Reports have emerged that Teklir, the deputy commander of the Wagner Group, has expressed opposition to Yevgeny Prigozhin's peace agreement and is leading a force of 800 troops into Moscow.
Deputy Commander Teklir, a veteran since the establishment of Wagner, is known for his strong standing within the group. He shared a picture on Telegram with dozens of soldiers, stating that he “will enter Moscow with 800 elite soldiers,” thereby expressing his intentions. Teklir is strongly supportive of Wagner's rebellion against Moscow and has clearly stated his "disappointment" with Prigozhin's peace agreement.
Furthermore, Teklir is calling for the participation of many other Wagner members, and many voices of approval can be heard on Wagner members' Telegram channels.
On the other hand, Prigozhin has rebutted on Telegram, stating, "Do not believe in false information" and "The picture is fake." However, it is unclear at this point what impact Teklir's actions will have within the Wagner Group and how the situation in Moscow will change.
In addition, it can be confirmed from the picture shared on Telegram that the palm of Teklir's hand is boroboro. It is unclear whether this indicates the intention or situation behind his actions.
プリゴジンさん、ガチでピンチ クーデター遠足か お家へ帰宅★67
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2023/06/25(日) 04:07:17.69ID:nz23vlyJH■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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