【悲報】PS5Proがリーク。RDNA3.5 40tflops RX7800/RTX4070Ti並の性能で499ドル(税抜)
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2023/07/22(土) 18:51:24.68ID:Ly0TO/V30
2023/07/22(土) 18:51:33.64ID:Ly0TO/V30 >>1
The PlayStation 5 (PS5) Pro is aiming for a November 2024 release date.
According to a new report from Key To Gaming, the PS5 Pro, codenamed “Project Trinity”, is already having demo events held to showcase the improvements. It’s also stated that the “majority” of studios will receive development kits by late November 2023.
As far as specs are concerned, those, according to the report have been tough to obtain. However, two things that we do know are that the PS5 Pro will feature 18,000 MT/s memory and 30 WGP (workgroup processor).
Performance targets for the PS5 include improved frames per second (FPS) as well as better FPS stability performance at 4K resolution, an 8K “performance mode”, and accelerated ray tracing.
The last thing mentioned in the report is that the PS5 Pro is likely to be the last major hardware release from Sony for the current generation. After that, the focus is expected to shift to the development of the PlayStation 6.
Are you going to pick up a PS5 Pro based on the November 2024 release date, or are you waiting for more specs to be revealed? For more Insider Gaming, check out our hands-on preview of the upcoming Headbangers: Rhythm Royale.
The PlayStation 5 (PS5) Pro is aiming for a November 2024 release date.
According to a new report from Key To Gaming, the PS5 Pro, codenamed “Project Trinity”, is already having demo events held to showcase the improvements. It’s also stated that the “majority” of studios will receive development kits by late November 2023.
As far as specs are concerned, those, according to the report have been tough to obtain. However, two things that we do know are that the PS5 Pro will feature 18,000 MT/s memory and 30 WGP (workgroup processor).
Performance targets for the PS5 include improved frames per second (FPS) as well as better FPS stability performance at 4K resolution, an 8K “performance mode”, and accelerated ray tracing.
The last thing mentioned in the report is that the PS5 Pro is likely to be the last major hardware release from Sony for the current generation. After that, the focus is expected to shift to the development of the PlayStation 6.
Are you going to pick up a PS5 Pro based on the November 2024 release date, or are you waiting for more specs to be revealed? For more Insider Gaming, check out our hands-on preview of the upcoming Headbangers: Rhythm Royale.
2023/07/22(土) 18:51:46.99ID:MvyaG4kVd 定期
2023/07/22(土) 18:51:52.83ID:2iwHLYoA0
2023/07/22(土) 18:52:03.91ID:Ly0TO/V30 2024年11月発売
2023/07/22(土) 18:52:51.24ID:Ly0TO/V30 ちな、RDNA3以降の40tflopsはRDNA2で言う20tflopsや
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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