■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2023/08/18(金) 16:00:34.13ID:52tYpHPO02それでも動く名無し
2023/08/18(金) 16:03:16.55ID:h0Zlv0o+0 昭和の話やろそれ
2023/08/18(金) 16:03:29.63ID:bc0xYxmp0 ネ、ネトウヨさん!?
2023/08/18(金) 16:04:06.81ID:w6qJN17O0 外人に触るとか痴漢って勇気あるな
2023/08/18(金) 16:06:01.25ID:52tYpHPO0 イギリス政府の日本への渡航に対しての注意事項
Attacks on individuals, including sexual assault and rape, are rare, but do happen. Japanese law places a high burden of proof on the victim to demonstrate that the sexual relations were not consensual and committed through assault, intimidation or force. Reports of inappropriate touching of female passengers on commuter trains are fairly common. The police advise that you shout at the perpetrator to attract attention and ask a fellow passenger to call the train staff.
If your passport is lost or stolen, you should report this at a police station and get a police report.
Tokyo’s entertainment districts are considered higher risk areas for crime, in particular at night. Foreign nationals have been targeted for extortion, robbery, assault and sexual assault in clubs and bars. There have also been reports of drink spiking and credit card fraud, often in combination: victims have described waking up with no memory of the preceding hours to discover that large amounts have been billed to their card. Getting a police report, which may be required by credit card companies in order for any claim to be processed, can be very difficult in these circumstances. You should take steps to ensure that your drinks can’t be tampered with: be wary of accepting drinks from strangers, and always have a trusted friend to keep an eye on any unfinished drink.
Attacks on individuals, including sexual assault and rape, are rare, but do happen. Japanese law places a high burden of proof on the victim to demonstrate that the sexual relations were not consensual and committed through assault, intimidation or force. Reports of inappropriate touching of female passengers on commuter trains are fairly common. The police advise that you shout at the perpetrator to attract attention and ask a fellow passenger to call the train staff.
If your passport is lost or stolen, you should report this at a police station and get a police report.
Tokyo’s entertainment districts are considered higher risk areas for crime, in particular at night. Foreign nationals have been targeted for extortion, robbery, assault and sexual assault in clubs and bars. There have also been reports of drink spiking and credit card fraud, often in combination: victims have described waking up with no memory of the preceding hours to discover that large amounts have been billed to their card. Getting a police report, which may be required by credit card companies in order for any claim to be processed, can be very difficult in these circumstances. You should take steps to ensure that your drinks can’t be tampered with: be wary of accepting drinks from strangers, and always have a trusted friend to keep an eye on any unfinished drink.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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