.” Even on social media this winter, you were criticized for an incident where you supported a Navy officer whose negligent driving had killed two people in Japan. I understand you know him and I am sure you meant well but, when you’re asking for second chances, I might wonder: Haven’t you already gotten a second chance that way?
So I’m wondering, if I sign you, knowing how prominent you are on social media, how can I trust that there isn’t going to be some kind of controversy for my team down the road?
That one hurts, because I didn’t post that. People who run my account posted that. Now I made the choice to allow them to run my account, figuring that it would be more of a positive to have someone else run my account.
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2024/02/23(金) 16:50:58.14ID:WZQ0m20E0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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