Many local fans would agree that Los Angeles bleeds blue, and apparently, so does the rest of California. In a recent study by Casino Reviews, the Los Angeles Dodgers were crowned as California’s most popular team.
How did they come to this conclusion? The gambling publisher conducted an analysis of Google searches involving 153 teams from the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, and MLS sports leagues. They examined the total number of searches for each team’s name including nicknames, along with specific search phrases like ‘team name score,’ ‘team name tickets,’ and ‘team name news,’ to identify the most popular teams in each state.
To no surprise, the Dodgers ranked as number one, and our beloved Los Angeles Lakers ranked as number three. You can check out the rest of the rankings in Calornia below:
The Dodgers Rank As California’s Favorite Sports Team According To Study
Blue Heaven on Earth is the Golden States favorite team according to a recent study.
Sophie Len Sophie Len - Staff Writer • June 13, 2024
Dodgers StadiumImage by Sean Pierce on Unsplash
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Many local fans would agree that Los Angeles bleeds blue, and apparently, so does the rest of California. In a recent study by Casino Reviews, the Los Angeles Dodgers were crowned as California’s most popular team.
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How did they come to this conclusion? The gambling publisher conducted an analysis of Google searches involving 153 teams from the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, and MLS sports leagues. They examined the total number of searches for each team’s name including nicknames, along with specific search phrases like ‘team name score,’ ‘team name tickets,’ and ‘team name news,’ to identify the most popular teams in each state.
Image courtesy of Los Angeles DodgersImage courtesy of Los Angeles Dodgers
To no surprise, the Dodgers ranked as number one, and our beloved Los Angeles Lakers ranked as number three. You can check out the rest of the rankings in Calornia below:
1 Los Angeles Dodgers
2 Golden State Warriors
3 Los Angeles Lakers
4 San Francisco 49ers
5 San Diego Padres
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
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2024/08/25(日) 14:53:10.64ID:anQImYBMr ドジャースって典型的なホームランバッターしばらくおらんかったよな
8それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.1][新芽警]
2024/08/25(日) 14:54:25.98ID:Lf2fUT0B0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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