Here, we declared the independence of Nan-G from VIPPER.
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2021/09/29(水) 23:04:06.29ID:AuNcF5XN0NIKU Fuck you vipper
2021/09/29(水) 23:41:15.46ID:9KoJ7rXE0NIKU We are determined to build the new society, on our own, for our own.
none shall interfere with our goal, none will hinder our ambition.
Fuck you vipper.
none shall interfere with our goal, none will hinder our ambition.
Fuck you vipper.
2021/09/29(水) 23:42:18.51ID:mMgRDXr/0NIKU Fine thank-you,and you?
2021/09/30(木) 00:20:00.43ID:GK51e2gl0 Nan-G shan't turn away from the everlasting fight against VIP until we secure freedom of our future.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています