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2023/07/29(土) 15:21:41.01ID:YEPlFdV10NIKU
その後、ビッグチンコモーターは日本最大の企業として台頭し、これまで他の企業が見たことのないより多くの市場分野に市場を拡大することになります。 彼らは市場に大きなチンコを氾濫させ、大きなチンコのような形をした自動車を提供するだろう。 プリウスミスリーの代わりにチンコミスリーが登場します。 野球選手はバットでボールを打つことはなくなり、代わりにビッグチンコモーター社が製造したビッグチンコモーターで睾丸を打つことになる。
すぐに大きなチンコモーターは、人類がこれまでに見た最大のチンコになるほど大きなチンコで世界を制覇するでしょう。 軌道エレベーターは大きなチンコモーターを使って爆発させられます。 地球の赤道から3匹の大きなチンコがそびえ立ち、宇宙に向かって優雅に突き出す様子は、宇宙から眺める光景となるでしょう。
これらの大きなチンコモーターは、宇宙探査の基礎として機能し、異常な速度で回転し、最終的には射精し、ビッグモーターの CEO と取締役会とともに、除草剤と地球を太陽に向かって推進するため、人類を新しい時代に前進させるでしょう。大きなチンコは人類に新時代を開き、大きなチンコのモーターは宇宙船やトースターに動力を供給するでしょう。 トーストしたすべてのパンは大きなチンコモーターブランドの香りがし、すべての食器やキッチン用品は大きなチンコモーターによって駆動され、その形をしています。 車は大きなチンコの粉塵の跡を残すため、丸い車輪ではなく大きなチンコの形をした車輪で走行します。 チンコ公害は、大きなチンコモーターシティの通りを歩き回るすべての大きなチンコモーターの廃棄物によって問題になるでしょう。 ビッグ・チンコ・モーター・シティは、古く、古く、かつては栄光に満ちた企業であるビッグ・モーターを讃えて、ビッグ・チンコ・モーターの像を噴出させる予定だが、現在は海事農家とスイカ売りの誇り高きビッグ・チンコ・モーター・ユナイテッド・コンソールとしてブランド名を変更し、再統一された。
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2023/07/29(土) 15:23:21.39ID:YEPlFdV10NIKU
big motor should rebrand themselves to chinko motor. instead of ads of cars and what not they should air ads of chinkos on national television. the ads can show a motorized chinko that is driven by motor and powered by electricity. the chinko motor can reach an RPM higher than that of a hard drive disk's spin rate and can serve as a backup of windmill blades for further enegry recycling because the chinko motor can spin so damn fast. when the chinko motor spins extremely fast it can blur so much and become a manko motor which can then be chained up with another chinko motor to double the power. but if stressed too much the chinko motor may also just fly off to a random direction and destory residental properties where there will be random big chinko motors sticking out of people's houses and roof
it will be a sight to behold however, as tower sized chinko motors erupts from residential areas, forming a forest of gigantic chinkos powered by motors.
when they appear in court they'd also each hold a miniture chinko motor in there hands and required to throw the chinko motor at net positioned yards away and the one who scores the most points with the best accuracy throwing the chinko motors will get the longest sentence
if there are too many chinko motors it might also create a hurricane from the high speed spin of all the chinko motors and also cause overheating and explosions from all the chinko motors but the chinko motors will remain as chinko motors and they will refuse to be anything else because they've been born as chinko motors and will remain as chinko motors by choice. thus a new race of chinko motors will emerge and take over the original big motors and togheter they will form the big chinko motors
big chinko motor will then emerge as the biggest coporation in japan and will expand their market to more market sectors never seen by any other corporations before. they will flood the market with big chinkos and provide cars that are shaped like big chinkos. instead of purius misslies there will be chinko misslies. baseball players will no longer hit balls with bats, instead they will hit testicles with big chinko motors manufactured by the big chinko motors company.
soon enough big chinko motor will dominate the world with chinko so big that it will be the biggest chinko ever seen by mankind. orbital elevators will be erupted using a big chinko motor. it will surely be a spectacle watching from space where three big chinkos stands out from the equator of the earth and prutrudes towards space in elegance.
those big chinko motors will then serve as the basis for space exploration and advance mankind to a new age as they spin unusually fast and eventually ejaculates and propells the earth along with big motor's CEO and board of directors towards the sun along with there herbicide and the souls of all the innocent trees and grass they murdered in cold blood. long live the chinko motors
big chinko will open a new age for mankind and big chinko motors will power space ships and toasters. All breads toasted will smell like big chinko motor brand's scent and all dishes and kitchen utensils will be powered by and also shaped like big chinko motors. cars will run on big chinko shaped wheels instead of round wheels as those cars leaves a trail of big chinko dusts. chinko pollution will become a problem from the waste of all the big chinko motors roaming the streets of the big chinko motor city. big chinko motor city will erupt a big chinko motor statue in recognition of the old, ancient, once glorious company of big motor but now rebranded and reunified as the proud big chinko motor united console of the maritime farmers and watermelon sellers.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
