DOTr ensures safety of commuters as MRT-3 hit by bomb threat
BY Martin Sadongdong
Sep 8, 2023 01:48 PM
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) activated an inter-agency task force (IATF) due to a bomb threat at the Metro Rail Transit (MRT)-3 on Friday, Sept. 8.
The email was sent by sender “Takahiro Karasawa” who introduced himself as a Japanese lawyer, to one Mercedita Irene Tayag at 5:17 a.m. Authorities have yet to confirm the authenticity of the identity of the sender.
The email contained details such as the location where the “high-performance bomb” was supposedly placed, as well as the time and date where it will be set off.
Upon receipt of the email and coordination with authorities, DOTr Secretary Jaime Bautista immediately activatedan IATF to enhance security deployment in all transportation sector.
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) activated an inter-agency task force (IATF) after a bomb threat at the Metro Rail Transit (MRT)-3 sent via electronic mail gripped transport authorities on Friday, September 8.
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) said the email was sent by sender “Takahiro Karasawa” who introduced himself as a Japanese lawyer, to one Mercedita Irene Tayag at 5:17 a.m.
Authorities have yet to confirm the authenticity of the identity of the sender.
The email contained details such as the location where the “high-performance bomb” was supposedly placed, as well as the time and date where it will be set off.
Upon receipt of the email and coordination with authorities, DOTr Secretary Jaime Bautista immediately activated an IATF composed of the DOTr’s Office for the Transportation Security (OTS), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Cybercrime Investigation Coordinating Center, Philippine National Police (PNP), and Railway Security.
Bautista ordered the task force to enhance security deployment in all transportation sector to ensure the safety of the commuters as they investigate the veracity of the sender’s claims.
“We are taking the necessary precautionary measures to ensure the safety and security of the riding public. We appeal to netizens to refrain from circulating and sharing unverified information so as not to cause undue panic,” the DOTr said.
The IATF, on the other hand, said it was taking all the necessary steps to ensure safe and secure travel in all public transport systems.
“We are conducting continuous assessment as to the credibility of the threat as basis for our next actions,” it said.
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