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2022/08/12(金) 23:55:14.84ID:GXCM7Xqk0 環境負荷も低い模様
2022/08/13(土) 01:25:11.43ID:IelQCasN0 >>292
2022/08/13(土) 01:25:11.98ID:g+F0fTgM0302それでも動く名無し
2022/08/13(土) 01:27:22.07ID:u/1pRAPg0 >>295
Another way of looking at the equation: How efficient would a gasoline vehicle need to be to have the same global warming emissions as an EV?
“More than 90 percent of US drivers live in regions where driving an EV is like getting 59 miles per gallon in a typical car. Based on where EVs have been sold in the United States, driving on electricity produces emissions equal to those of a gasoline car getting 91 miles per gallon.” (Needless to say, no gas car gets anything like that—the average hybrid gets around 51 mpg.)
The UCS report brings up an important point that many car buyers overlook: as is the case with gas vehicles, efficiency matters. “The more efficient the EV, the greater the benefits of switching from gasoline to electricity.”
For example, the emissions from driving a 2021 Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus in California equal those of a gasoline car getting 152 miles per gallon.
“The Tesla’s global warming emissions are a fifth of those of the average new gasoline car and over 60 percent less than even the most efficient gasoline car on the market,” says UCS.
Another way of looking at the equation: How efficient would a gasoline vehicle need to be to have the same global warming emissions as an EV?
“More than 90 percent of US drivers live in regions where driving an EV is like getting 59 miles per gallon in a typical car. Based on where EVs have been sold in the United States, driving on electricity produces emissions equal to those of a gasoline car getting 91 miles per gallon.” (Needless to say, no gas car gets anything like that—the average hybrid gets around 51 mpg.)
The UCS report brings up an important point that many car buyers overlook: as is the case with gas vehicles, efficiency matters. “The more efficient the EV, the greater the benefits of switching from gasoline to electricity.”
For example, the emissions from driving a 2021 Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus in California equal those of a gasoline car getting 152 miles per gallon.
“The Tesla’s global warming emissions are a fifth of those of the average new gasoline car and over 60 percent less than even the most efficient gasoline car on the market,” says UCS.
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